Tottenham Well 


About Us





About Us

Spring Cottage, 1857

The Society's aims are set out in its constitution:

  1. To promote high standards of planning and architecture in Tottenham;
  2. To educate the public in the geography, history, natural history and architecture of Tottenham;
  3. To secure the preservation, protection, development and improvement of features of historic, environmental or public interest in Tottenham;
  4. To work to improve the quality of life for everyone in Tottenham; and
  5. To encourage the appropriate and sustainable regeneration of Tottenham.

What We Do

We organise an annual programme of events for the Society and interested members of the public -- see the Events page elsewhere on our website.  We circulate news, comment and other items of potential interest through a list on the platform, and have other social media accounts and activities as well -- see the full list, and links to them, on the Writings page.

We also comment on local planning applications where a proposed development could have an adverse effect on Tottenham's conservation areas, or on the grain and nature of the High Road and its surrounding residential streets, or where we consider that it will be inappropriate by virtue of its height, massing, or architectural finish.  We have also responded to major planning applications by national bodies which could have a detrimental effect on Tottenham; copies of these responses can be found here.

Contact Us

You can contact us at any time by e-mailing TCS at tottenhamcivicsociety dot org dot uk.

The photograph above shows the the listed Spring Cottage at 41 Talbot Road.

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Web pages © 2009-2019 by Ann Robertson and Joseph Nicholas